WBFIT Center is a learning, teaching, and sharing center. We flow as the river and are therefore open to all possibilities and opportunities that may arise from connection.

WBFIT Indigenous Center is a creation of the SPIRIT and constantly growing and evolving just as our journey. We are a family circle of 8 that have been nomads the majority of our life until SPIRIT called us home, to the land we reside on, the home of WBFIT Indigenous Center. This space the land, and all it emcompasses is OPEN to ALL. We understood when answering the call that this space, land, and all it emcompasses was to be utilized for teaching, learning, and sharing and most importantly to REBIRTH the essence of COMMUNITY/TRIBE.
We facilitate in accordance with the PROPHECIES and SPIRIT as our guide.

CicaWa Wolf Woman
Founder and Director

Hi, my name is CiCaWa Wolf Woman. My Earth Walk is in service to Mother Earth and All My Relatives, Grandmother Moon, Father Sky, Grandfather Sun, and The Great Spirit. As facilitator of the ceremonies and circles here at WBFIT Center, it is an honour and humbling to learn, teach, and share with all those I am blessed to connect with.
Our journey is a realization of our interconnectedness to ALL, starting with our own mental, physical, and spiritual bodies. Just like gears in motion, our bodies (mental, physical, and spiritual) thrive when working in unity and therefore as tangible energy forms in constant change, we seek homeostasis. This is healing, this is the work that empowers our medicines in which we are gifted.
Our medicines are intended to firstly support our own healing, as it is through this initiation we learn to navigate their possibilities. When we are ready, we have the choice to answer the call and that is always in service of the WHOLE, this is a teaching of the medicine wheel.
So, as a mother of the land, I am in service to the promise of tomorrow - THE NEXT 7 GENERATIONS.

Renata Love
Renata Love has been a big community supporter for many years now, bringing together women, men and children within various offerings and unifying/uplifting experiences. She has supported the vision of our Center and actively participates in our gatherings. She is a lover of life and honours all living beings as One Love.
Liza Swale
My path to the Center has been foundational for what I am able to bring to the Center. A youth and post-secondary education in theatre taught me vision, creation and transformation. Full of passion and potential from these lessons, I then went on to Law School and a 20-year legal career in Indigenous and Human Rights law. During this time, I was deeply honoured and incredibly privileged to walk with traditional Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Elders and Councils as a bridge between voices and systems. It was on this walk where I also began to connect with the reverence I hold within. Through observation, ceremony, relationship and introspection, I became a student of life allowing my walk to open as intended. This led my husband and I to shift our lives fourteen years ago onto a path of sustainability, off-grid living and farming, community building, connecting to the land, cultivating food as medicine, radical unschooling our children and trade-based economy. Intentional living in this manner became the heartbeat of our family and our life; we didn’t work, we chose to live deeply connected and in relationship with All around us. Knowing this, it isn’t surprising that our family was drawn to a 7-week program learning the Seven Grandfather Teachings being offered by Sabrina Wolf (CicaWa Wolf Woman) 5 years ago through our homeschooling community. That 7-week program never ended for our family, and we aren’t the only ones as a beautiful community was birthed! As I have always walked, alignment has guided me. Once on that path, the sparks of inspiration begin which allows vision to grow and when more than one person is on that same path – the possibilities are endless! This is what I see, and feel, is the foundation of what I bring to the Center and what I hope to pass onto others. My life has been a testament to this honouring, and by my example, continued support and offering what I can in service, I feel deep gratitude for those around me who share the same heartbeat and with whom I can continue to create!