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It is upon Mother Earth that WBFIT Center resides and she and the Great Spirit have taught us that we are to share this space, and the land it resides upon in honour of the medicine is bears to share.  This is why we name our home a center!  We share our space openly with the intentions of learning, teaching, and sharing from each person we are blessed to connect with.  Every project we undergo is with whole hearted intention to share with others. 


In 2021, our Spirit Circle raised funding to build a custom play structure. In 2024, with funding from the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), we added new components to the structure and enhanced its appearance and longevity. 


Medicine Garden & Green House

The greenhouse had an abundant year! We grew sweet potatoes, cucumbers, hot and sweet peppers, pasiflora, licorice, pachouli, eggplant, and holy basil! We are we busy collecting and preparing medicines which will support us when the white blanket is upon Mother Earth.


Tree Planting

We planted 25 Standing Ones (trees) this  spring and they are doing great! Now we prepare to protect them during the white moons.

Hands in the Soil

Medicine Lodge

 The Medicine Loge Platform was built and meticulously done so as the web of Grandmother Spider. The newest addition is this beautiful all-natural yurt – from

YURTA  which was funded by the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario).

The final touches are being made inside.  Though you will need to sit in CEREMONY here to see it!


Music/Youth Room

We are excited to share the addition of our new Music and Youth Room! Thanks to the support of the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, we can expand our space and programming at the center.  Music is a universal language and a great way to connect our community.  Our Youth Program has flourished and will greatly benefit from having a dedicated space for their monthly activities. The beginning stages are underway!

evan band.jpg

Mushroom Garden

We created as a tribe a mushroom garden in May 2022. We were super excited to be planting such powerful medicine allies. It took 1 year to witness the fruition of our labor!  We are growing shitake, reishi, and oyster! 


WBFIT Center is a gift from Spirit.  In 2013 I put together a vision board and my journey thereafter is a story to be shared around the sacred fire.  Though having said that, this beautiful magical space that we live in and share with others was shown in a vision to me 3 years after the vision board and 4 years from that vision, our family and the land we reside on joined forces to create this center.  All the changes and growth that have taken place within the home and on the land  have been done with the knowing that this land and home were always meant to be shared.  The calling was to relearn the meaning of TRIBE!  If you feel the calling to SUPPORT THE GROWTH by blueprinting the foundation, volunteering, donating, joining a circle, or participating in an offering, ANSWER THE CALL, that is the Indian way!  

CicaWa Wolf Woman

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