The Mental Body
​Is it your prison or infinite playground?
Fibromyalgia, migraines, cluster headaches, unexplainable shooting pains, schizophrenia, and tinnitus are just a few ways our physical body communicates with us that it is attempting to rewire mentally. Though the mental body is conducive to conformity and therefore can prevent the completion and thus results in constant pain – no release – no relief.
The mental body is the body that is the most elusive and thus incomprehensible when trying to understand it with our limited language and undeveloped gifts. To understand the mental body, we must truly encompass freedom in its essence. When we free our mind, we free our body and spirit. Our mental body can be our personal prison or our infinite playground.
The mental body can be compared to the likes of a computer, though only for comprehensive purposes. The difference with our computer is it has NO LIMITS. When we think of a computer and its ability to function desirably, it requires programming. And because our computer can be programmed as one of its infinite functions, it has been. That is conformity and conditioning. Though when we start to understand that our computer is not limited by the same parameters to what we name a computer, we open ourselves to the limitless possibilities. It all starts with recognition of thought patterns, habits, emotional triggers, OCD behaviours, perceptions, environment, and rearing to name a few. The process of recognition is reclamation of our personal power and the beginning of de-programming, FREEING space. Eventually, through this process we start to awake to our connection with the computer of the WHOLE and this is where we begin to understand the interconnectedness of all. We bare witness to the effects of the programming of the WHOLE and how that has also played a crucial role in our own personal programming.
Our spiritual body's awareness and physical body's health is dependent on the state of our mental body. The WHOLE healing process is dependent on all bodies, mental, physical, and spiritual vibrating in unison. The mental body is the hardest to fathom due to its intricacy. It's functional role can be compared to that of an enzyme, it is the catalyst for the both the spiritual and physical body. Therefore the state of the mind body will determine the state of the spiritual and physical body.
As we begin to recognize ourselves through introspection and retrospection, we then begin the de-programming process. At first we recognize ourselves from listening to our thoughts, witnessing our habits, disillusioning the illusions, and breaking patterns, Then, when we are ready, we begin to recognize the WHOLE and flow through the same process. This point is imperative for the WHOLE to heal. The knowing that we are all connected in the web of life explains that we are all affected by each other. That one’s choices affects the other and none of us are immune to these effects. If we all stand in a pool and I begin to jump, you will feel the wave (vibration), this is how individual choice impacts the WHOLE. We begin to honor WE and understand I to be a state of being programmed to serve separation.
When we reach WHOLE recognition, we unveil our gifts in service of the WHOLE. To help others with their choices, develop their gifts, realize their potential and the actuality that their choices do effect how the Hoop of Life flows. We are each an integral part of the Hoop of Life, no one above, below, or more integral. The hopes of the Ancestors is that we all recognize our importance and Stand Tall activating our spoke on the Hoop of Life.
The de-programming process is not quick or painless and if it appears to be so, beware. We are to feel through the process as to create a remembering for the next generations to come. The story will be told for all to learn, teach and share from. This is the power of Storytelling.
Quick healing is short lived, it is a door opened, though the door remains and thus will close if the choices and work are not done by the one. Usually one of two things happen after quick healing, one feels better and doesn’t walk through the door and then as ‘time’ passes the door closes and the return of the initial state resurfaces. Or one feels better, walks through the door and as ‘time’ passes the door closes and one gets stuck on the other side very confused. One is confused because the process was by-passed and the present state of awareness is not matched by experience. In very severe cases this can lead to delirium.
A WHOLE Healer/Shaman/Medicine Person knows their equality in the Hoop of Life and thus honors their gifts with HONESTY, RESPECT, LOVE, HUMILITY, BRAVERY, WISDOM, and TRUTH through authentic practice. Their gifts carry the medicine to support, guide, and protect through the supply of tools (medicines) and dissolution of illusory barriers. Therefore, the WHOLE Healer will remove the doors so, the choice to walk through will always remain. The work and accomplishments are all to be had by the one.
Our physical body's communicatory system is highly advanced and we have only been led to believe it is disfunctioning when dis-eased. Though when we honor the magnificence of our bodies, we open up the channels of communication and it is through these channels that we will be guided to WHOLENESS.
A 1-week computer check (for best outcome record each day);
Track your thoughts, don’t try to change them, honor them.
Organize those thoughts. Thoughts of yourself, others, family, work, or partner.
What emotions are linked to each thought.
Watch your behaviors each day as if you were an outsider. What is your routine each day, do you repeat, do you like things in a certain order, do you have triggers, do you have habits?
How will this computer check assist you in de-programming?
At the end of the week, not only will it shed much light on your choices and how they are programmed to some degree, it will allow you to take responsibility and reclaim your power. You will begin to be more aware and thus evaluate and not just act out of programming, though from personal choice, personal power.

Wholeness - The Rainbow Prophecy
Clarity only exists for the human rationale. One is the other and the other is the one. Once we grasp this concept...., which is not easy...what's left? WHOLENESS. It is only through this division created by the human psyche that we are two halves...that there 'exists' duality and polarity.
So, why do I speak of dark and light and the need to de-shadow if they are one and same? Because we are functioning in one of the realms of polarity. Therefore it is as real as it is not. Conceptually knowing there is no polarity is just that, it is a concept, until we start to experience glimpses of the realm of ONE-WHOLE. These glimpses are eternal TRUTHs. Glimpses come through after we obtain a Rite of Passage, which is upon completion of a myriad of initiations. There gifts are an insight to the all knowing, The Great Mystery. We then are required to learn how to internalize these teaching (offered through glimpses) so, we may externalize them effecting the ONE and in turn the WHOLE. Deciphering these glimpses can be mind boggling most of the time because what we were gifted to see/hear or however we personally connect to Great Spirit, is usually information overload. This is usually because we cannot decipher in the language we are custom to or there was more to digest in that moment then we can fathom. This is when we must breath and accept the glimpse will unravel in it's own time during wake or sleep, in the physical or spiritual 'world'. Therefore as we begin to receive these glimpses it seems like a whirlwind at times, though with diligence, patience, compassion and trust we will be shown how to apply this profound knowledge upon our earth walk internally and externally, ultimately becoming an example/beacon for others.
So, in understanding duality/polarity (negative/positive) in the realm we are all functioning in the majority of time, they are most definitely what make up whom we perceive we are here on our Earth Walk. The teachings we are gifted when the 'crack in the universe' opens to us upon our multiple Rite of Passage voyages, is that we begin to allow for the dissolution of the concept of separation, bad/good. They just are... Separation/splitting was a tactic created for control, the glimpse is the one of the reveled knowing that they are one in the same. The do not behave separately, though in unison.
When we reach the point of internalizing these glimpses, we begin to feed of the energy of the WHOLE. This energy is euphoric and we start to feed the whirling rainbow - The Rainbow Prophecy becomes more and more a 'reality' and less and less a prophecy. This is what our Ancestors refer to as what we will experience when the world rolls up!