Offerings are an opportunity to ask for support or assistance. We, at WBFIT Center are doing just that, We are offering to share our teachings in hopes of activating a ripple, as the stone does when thrown into water. Each person we connect with to learn, teach, and share from is another stone creating ripples.
Learn some of the teachings of The Medicine Wheel. The Medicine Wheel is a way of life, a guide to support us upon our Earth Walk.
Elder Patrick Aird is the cousin of the facilitator at WBFIT Indigenous Center, Grandmother Sabrina CicaWa Wolf Woman. He is Anishnabe. He has worked for years sharing his teachings at the Indigenous Friendship Circles and in the Public School Systems. He was raised by his Grandfather in the bush to ensure his safety from becoming a victim of the residential school system.
Offering 1 day
Day of week - Saturday
Time: 10am - 2:30pm
Date: TBD
Location: Balderson, ON
Age: 10 + (There will be a lot of sitting and listening with )
Fee: Donation to the center which can be sent to
MIni Birch Bark Canoe Build
Build a mini canoe (12") with traditional materials and learn from
Chuck Commanda , a traditional craftsmen. He has preserved the teachings and continues to honor the ways of our Ancestors. This opportunity will give a little insight into the work that goes into creating a traditional birch bark canoe.
Offering 1 day
Day of week - Friday
Time: 10am - 2pm
Date: February 16, 2024
Location: Balderson, ON
Age: 10+
Fee: $100
7 Grandfather Teachings
The 7 Grandfather Teachings are the teachings that provide one guidance, protection, and support to keep one on the Red Road. They are the essence that connects all living things in the circle of life. We will flow through each teaching, learn to connect with the medicine of the drum and essence of ceremony, and so much more! The development of the Seven Sacred Teachings book was funded by the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario).
Offering 1 day
Day of week -
Time: 10am - 2:30pm
Location: Balderson, ON
Age: 7 + (adults welcome)
Fee: $40 - The Seven Sacred Teachings Book book included
Mother Earth's Medicines
Growing, Gathering and Guiding
a Sharing Circle fostering the art of medicinal preservation
Join us for this beautiful offering where we will have the opportunity to learn, teach, and share from one another in ceremony as we honor the medicines of Mother Earth.
Opening with a traditional Sacred Fire followed by an open discussion led by CicaWa Wolf Woman, Liza Parr Swale, and Nataliya Chabanyuk. During this circle we will discuss a variety of medicines and their traditional uses. Each participant will be given a medicine package with clear instructions in how to be prepared for our closing ceremony which will consist of creating a salve, soap, tincture, and medicinal tea blend.
There will be an online support group available for any questions during the preparation time between the opening ceremony and closing ceremony.
During the closing ceremony each participant will come prepared with their medicine package and will leave with the beginnings of their tincture, soap, salve, and medicinal tea blend.
Whether you are new to working with Mother Earth’s medicines or have experience, this offering is for you!
Offering 2 day
Day of week - Sunday
Time: 10am -3pm
Date: May 26, 2024 & September 15, 2024
Location: 109 Ennis Road, Balderson, ON
Age: Adults
Fee: $111
Whirling Rainbow Sound Healing
We are honored to offer another Whirling Rainbow Sound BATH session with Olenka. With a university degree in music and years of experience as a music teacher for the Ontario Public School Board, she brings her sound healing to a whole other level. You do not want to miss out on an opportunity to raise your vibrations to an entirely new level. move stagnant energy, and experience her unique methods of working with instruments, sound, and voice.
Offering 1 day
Day of week -Saturday
Time: 10am - 12pm
Date: MAY 4, 2024
Location: 109 Ennis Road, Balderson, ON
Age: suggested 10 and up
Fee: Adult $40 Children $20
Wood Working Shop
With 22 years of experience as a rough and finished carpenter, Oscar will be sharing his passion for working with the Standing Ones -.wood - in creative way. With the use of mostly hand tools the children will create and take home their finished project and so much more!
Offering TBD
Day of week -
Location: Balderson, ON
1st Annual Sisterhood Weekend Gathering
Join CicaWa Wolf Woman for our 1st annual sisterhood weekend gathering where we will nourish our mind, body, and spirit through repairing and enhancing our stimuli. We will come together and honor the power of our senses and the knowing of the importance of activating them in sisterhood circles. The gathering of wombs is imperative to the preservation of THE NEXT 7 GENERATIONS.
Offering 3 nights
Day of week - Friday - Sunday (campout on the land)
Time: Friday arrival from 1pm and Sunday departure 12pm
Date: September 6 - 8, 2024
Location: Balderson, ON
Age: women of moon age (have menstrual cycle)
Fee: no fee, though donations to the center are encouraged
If you have a group that is interested in any of the courses please send a message through our contact form and we will try and accommodate with a private course.